Water protection as a municipal task

Comprehensive process management by JUMO

In addition to wastewater treatment plants and sewage treatment plants, municipalities must operate and monitor pumping stations, stormwater tanks and storage sewers for the discharge of stormwater and surface water. These measures serve to protect water and are specified by the German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste. Uniform reporting with event logs and measured value records is particularly important. JUMO Cloud/JUMO smartWARE SCADA enables secure monitoring, control, and full process management. Any number of plants and outdoor structures can be combined centrally and monitored and controlled from any stationary or mobile end device.

The JUMO Cloud as a secure IoT platform

The JUMO Cloud as a secure IoT platform

Legally compliant data logging

Legally compliant data logging

Legally compliant data logging

in municipal water treatment plants

The integrated automatic reporting system meets the requirements of the applicable association rules and generates reports from the collected data in accordance with ATV-H260 and DWA-M260. These can be created as web, PDF or Excel logs, customized and made available for download. Laboratory readings and events to be recorded manually can be easily entered into the cloud or Scada software and evaluated and displayed graphically like all other online data. All recorded data is summarized in daily, monthly and annual reports and displayed in state-specific evaluations such as performance comparison and extraneous water determination.

Municipal water treatment

according to official requirements

All relevant data of the wastewater treatment plant, the sewer network and the spillway structures are recorded and processed in accordance with official requirements. These include the Wastewater Self-Monitoring Ordinance (EKVO) in Hesse and the provisions of the Bavarian Wastewater Data Network. All data of the municipal water treatment plants can be imported directly into the EKVO client for Hesse as well as into the DABay system for Bavaria and processed there.

Capture according to regulatory requirements

Capture according to regulatory requirements

Video surveillance via cell phone

Video surveillance via cell phone

Municipal water treatment plants

With video surveillance

Unmanned measuring points as well as remote structures can be monitored by live video via PC, cell phone or tablet, regardless of location. This can significantly reduce the time required for prescribed inspection rounds at municipal water treatment plants.

Evaluation of heavy rain events

in municipal water treatment

Heavy rain can lead to devastating damage. Therefore, all events and occurrences in the municipal water treatment plants must be securely archived and documented in order to make the effectiveness of water protection measures and the need for optimization in the sewer network transparent. It is possible to evaluate the start of damming and discharge, the end of discharge, duration and frequency, the maximum water level, discharged quantities and many other parameters. Output in standard-compliant daily, monthly and annual reports and evaluations is also possible.

Evaluation of heavy rain events

Evaluation of heavy rain events

Automation system

Automation system

Municipal water treatment

Effective processes through automation

Connection of the JUMO Cloud or JUMO smartWARE SCADA to the JUMO AQUIS touch multichannel measuring device and the JUMO sensor portfolio is just as feasible as the combination with existing controllers and sensors from other manufacturers. To increase plant safety, for example, the JUMO variTRON 300 can serve as a gateway to the existing plant. No intervention or complex integration in the existing control technology is necessary for this, but all the advantages of our modern IoT cloud solution can be used.

Learn more about our solutions

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Arrange a meeting

Matthias Kremer

Market Segment Manager for Water and Wastewater


+49 661 6003-402 Request appointment now