Change is the norm in the IT industry!

More and more new developments in less and less time require creativity, courage and initiative.

They ensure that networks retain their functionality. You monitor, maintain, support and further develop networks and security protocols as well as firewalls. Or is it your passion to develop the appropriate IT security architecture and to accompany its implementation, to be challenged again and again and to test new technology trends in IT security for their suitability. Do you always think in a solution-oriented way, do you have technical expertise and extensive knowledge from IT practice? Then you have come to the right place!

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Mastering digital challenges

Why an IT Job at JUMO
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img alt text 3 Simply Ingenious
Simply keep the overview

Simply keep the overview

No job for beginners

Experienced in projects, obsessed with details or simply a problem solver?

As an SAP expert with experience in project management, you have specialized in SAP S/4HANA in recent years. Do you often wonder how to solve a problem that others describe as "too complex" or "unsolvable"? Then this job might be something for you!


Witali Engelbrecht

Human Resources Management


+49 661 6003 9661 Apply now!